The vacations are the perfect time to invite friends over or perhaps enjoy a short vacation with friends in a second home. It is easy, however, on these occasions to get countless doubts about how to behave to welcome friends at best.

I would start from the assumption that inviting should be a pleasure for the recipient as much as for the guest: sharing your home for the vacations, in fact, should not in any way turn into a chore for you.

The result would be to burden you unnecessarily and make you unpleasant enough not to repeat it, I can tell you with certainty that the more relaxed you are, the more relaxed your friends or relatives will be.

Of course, the ideal would be to have enough rooms so that everyone can enjoy their privacy, but sometimes vacation homes have a room and a sofa bed in the living room. What to do in this case?

The first thing, fundamental I would say, is that the situation is clear to everyone before leaving and that the relationship with the people you invite is relaxed to the point of not creating unnecessary embarrassment when it comes to assigning beds. If you have children, it will probably be a fun opportunity for them to sleep on the sofa bed or in one room with their friends and give up the usual room to the adults. Be sure to move the bulky toys and perhaps make the beds for the adult guests with clean sheets, possibly free of spaceship and princess designs.

Do you have a guest room instead? Perfect! You'll just need to make enough closet space for friends to store their clothes and make some nice, cool beds! If you're in the winter, make sure the heat is working in all rooms and provide an extra blanket or two for those who are chilly.

Remember, however, that these are visiting friends or relatives and don't worry if your home doesn't have blackout curtains or other amenities, for example.

You are not a hotel, and while you do your best to make them feel comfortable, you don't have to guarantee specific quality standards. In the past, I have had to deal with clients who, when designing their guest rooms, asked me to provide for things like a mini-bar. They will certainly be appreciated, but a private home has some advantages over a hotel, which your guests will certainly appreciate more than the private bar.

Instead, make them feel free to use the house with you and to help themselves from the refrigerator. Immediately upon arrival, take a tour of the house and explain all the basics, especially the kitchen and the place where you store coffee or glasses.

Give instructions, if, as is now customary everywhere, there are rules for recycling, involve them in the preparation of meals, setting the table and small chores, which you will share with joy.

When the bathroom is shared

Then there is the ever-sensitive issue of bathrooms, especially if each room does not have its own private bathroom. Here, too, behave without embarrassment, if possible make some room for guests in the lockers or more simply on a shelf, and don't forget to add a glass for toothbrushes. Prepare a sufficient supply of toilet paper in a cupboard and take care to inform them, provide them with enough clean towels, laid out on their bed, they will then think to put them where they prefer, and to avoid confusion, if possible choose colors different from yours. For everything concerning the habits of the house, such as where to leave your shoes or other such details, don't be afraid to communicate them simply, trying not to seem like a barracks general.

Once the rooms have been assigned and the initial formalities have been resolved, involve your guests in organizing the menus or activities. You don't have to lead a school group on a trip and remember that the wonderful downtime of the vacations is always welcome: for this reason, propose some programs and let everyone then give their suggestions.

Share as many moments as you can but don't be afraid to separate for a few hours if, for example, you ski and someone else doesn't: let everyone stay home if they wish and enjoy your day of skiing.

In the kitchen it would be nice for everyone to do something, don't be afraid to involve everyone, children and men included, it will be fun and certainly lighter. Alternatively, you could take turns cooking, and why not take the opportunity to have a competition between men and women or between couples! At the end, the loser pays for the others to drink or, better still, invites them all out to dinner! If, on the other hand, there is someone among you who is passionate about cooking, indulge him and put yourself in a position to help, then devote your energies to set beautiful tables and why not, think of extras, such as appetizers, herbal teas for after dinner, small attentions that will certainly be appreciated by all.

When we're in the mountains, I like to organize card games or fun evenings with board games for those who wish to play, and I keep chocolates and various sweets in store to bring out at the right time: my homemade limoncello, for example, is almost never missing.

Another thing I like to take care of is breakfast. I'm an early riser so it doesn't weigh me down, I bake cakes and set the table with a nice tablecloth and every good thing. If, on the other hand, you like to sleep in, my advice is to set the table in the evening before going to sleep and then let everyone, waking up at the time they prefer, prepare their own drinks or fresh food.

As I said, one way to put everyone at ease is to make it clear right away that the fridge is freely accessible to everyone! In fact, you have no idea how many people are used to late night snacks, or waking up very early in the morning. Let them, you'll all be much better off! After the first basic supply of food from the kitchen, you can decide whether you want to pay for everything afterwards, or whether you want to go to the supermarket together. I won't go into too much detail here because everyone has their own ideas and it's good that they remain so.

When guests are in-laws

A separate chapter should be dealt with if the guests are your in-laws: it is always a delicate moment in which you easily feel under scrutiny.

Also in this case, my advice is to aim above all to create a relaxed atmosphere rather than wanting to show yourself as you are not: if, for example, you do not like to cook, why not take the opportunity to ask your mother-in-law for a few tips on her cooking workhorse, she will certainly be pleased to feel useful and at the same time make a small alliance with you. In this specific case, it is also true that I would use a slightly different yardstick in the layout of the house and I think that the kind gesture of giving the best room to the most grown-up people would simply demonstrate your impeccable education.

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