Let's think about the prince of the room: the bed

First keep a few sets of sheets and duvet covers that you will only use during the cold season. Linen never leaves my bed even in winter because, as I have already mentioned in another post, it guarantees a healthy sleep and unbeatable comfort, but sheets alone in this season give way to soft padded bedspreads in different weights and colours, combinations and comfortable duvet covers to change every week

Mix and match pillowcases and sheets in different shades to achieve different combinations and ever-changing results. Replace your furniture cushion covers with some in colours and fabrics that are more suitable for winter, such as velvet, wool or fabrics in patterns that match the new colour palette. This will already be a good first step to avoid the boredom effect.

Pensiamo al principe della stanza: il letto

Per prima cosa tenete qualche completo di lenzuola e copripiumini che userete solo durante la stagione fredda. Il lino non lascia mai il mio letto neppure in inverno perché, come ho già avuto modo di accennare in un altro post, garantisce un sonno sano e un imbattibile confort, ma le sole lenzuola in questa stagione lasciano il posto ai soffici copriletti imbottiti con diversi pesi e colori, combinati e comodi copripiumini da cambiare ogni settimana.

Mescolate federe e lenzuola in diverse gradazioni in modo da ottenere diverse combinazioni e risultati sempre un po' diversi. Sostituite le fodere dei vostri cuscini d'arredo con alcune in colori e tessuti più adatti all'inverno, come il velluto, la lana o tessuti in fantasie in accordo con la nuova palette colori. Questo sarà già un buon primo passo per evitare l'effetto noia.

We also dress floors

Also, if you like carpets, buy one to put in just this season. You could simply remove it during the summer months and keep the floor bare or instead replace it with something cooler, both in colors and materials. Carpets have the ability to furnish a room a lot , good insulating and sound-absorbing power and, above all, in winter it is very pleasant to be able to walk barefoot without feeling cold. You will have a thousand different options, from Persian rugs to rustic and soft Berber carpets.

Nose up: light and other details.

Finally, take care of the lighting, adding a few scented candles in the most woody or amber scents. If you want a woodland effect, I would also like to share with you an idea my daughters had: turn your room into a forest by storing glass vases full of pine cones.

They will give off a nice scent of forest and winter, and if you wish you can complete the dreamy and fairy-tale effect with an evocative decoration for the headboard if you wish, you can complete the dreamy and fairy-tale effect with an evocative decoration for the headboard, combining small branches with warm and welcoming LED lights.

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