The perfect table for Valentine's Day

Whether it's your first dinner for two or you've been together for 20 years, Valentine's Day is always an opportunity to celebrate your eternal love.

A beautiful dinner with a lovely table are certainly a good prerequisite. How to make this evening original and unforgettable?

Choose carefully where to set the table

It doesn't matter that you stage movie scenes, with carpets of rose petals among thousands of lighted candles, good taste and a bit of sincere simplicity can be your guideline.

Since you certainly want to dine quietly in a relaxed and romantic setting, you might set the table in an area of ​​your home that in itself induces a romantic and not too formal atmosphere.

If you have a dining room that you feel comfortable in, opt for this one, otherwise set up a coffee table in the living room, perhaps low, sitting on cushions on the floor or in extremis organize a luxury picnic in your love nest.

However, think that it is not a scene from a movie so you must be comfortable and at ease because there is no sensuality and romanticism in discomfort.

Are you fond of your kitchen? Nobody forbids setting a tête a tête on the kitchen counter creating a warm and relaxed atmosphere! I suggest you to take care of the lighting so, particularly if your home is usually very bright with white lighs, I reccomand for this special evening, to adopt small lighs to create an intimate atmospherets: you can strategically set all the table or bedside lamps at your disposal, maybe even with the help of some burning candles.

So what will you use to set your romantic table?

For your table dressing I would avoid bright colors and multicolored flowers and I would opt for warm or delicate tones with some touch of originality.A tablecloth with a rather long fall will certainly be very elegant but if the table, counter or coffee table, you chose is not suitable, you can opt for an elegant linen runner with matching napkins (strictly linen!!!)

If you have the opportunity, you could for this evening, even choose some Red linen napkins as the only element typically "San Valentine" and maybe hide in her napkin's fold a note with a small phrase.

You will surely drink some wine or bubbles so make sure to get two glasses or two flutes and for one evening, set aside the over-colored kitchen dishes and opt for something elegant.

The Valentine's Day menu: what to bring to the table?

Prepare a menu that does not include too many courses and that does not make you absent for long moments in the kitchen, leaving your partner alone waiting for you for endless moments: The more time you spend chatting without worrying about practical matters, the more your evening will turn right.


If you decided to prepare a "long" risotto, I suggest you to do it together sipping a glass of wine, otherwise plan of a menu made of small tastings that you can prepare in advance and serve everything without big absences.


If you can, avoid the taking away for one evening, because the simple fact of preparing a dinner will in itself denote attention and love, and will certainly be appreciated regardless of the result.


If you like smoked fish fish, is always highly recommended for smoked fish such as salmon, salmon-trout or swordfish, to be enjoyed with toasted and buttered croutons accompanied by a glass of chilled prosecco. Alternatively, since we are in Italians, I suggest you a pasta that always "saves us" by offering us literally millions of alternatives all delicious and relatively easy to prepare.What would you say, for example, of a very easy, but definitely effective, garganello speck and walnuts or a tagliolino with diced fresh tuna, pine nuts and lemon scent?I recommend you to not neglect the dessert because you cannot get up without the sweet taste of a delicious last course.


My dark chocolate mousse recipe is a guarantee of results and ease. It is also a relatively light dessert because it does not use (as many think) cream. You will have to prepare it the night before and accompany it at the moment with fresh strawberries or raspberries. So I'll give you this little ace to hide in your sleeve and may Valentine's Day be with you !!

The recipe for Valentine's day: dark chocolate mousse

  • 250 gr dark chocolate
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 spoon of brandy
  • 1 knob of butter

Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie, add the knob of butter and the brandy

Add the eggs yolks one at a time, mixing until the mixture becomes shiny and homogeneous

Finally, stir in the whipped egg whites until stiff.

Transfer the mousse into a container that you will directly bring to the table: a glass or porcelain cup; you can also divide the mixture into several single-portion cups.

Put it in the fridge and let it cool for at least 6 hours.

To be served cold and preferably accompanied by a handful of fresh raspberries or strawberries and possibly a dollop of whipped cream.

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